Exams Time

Oh god! It’s the exam time,

Rushing is a routine,

You have to amass a lot of protein.

Waking at 4’o clock will help only a bit,

But, sleeping at 9’o clock is just a wit.

Oh god! It’s the exam time,

You got to rush, there’s no chance you can rest.

Wake up my friend! Wake up!

It’s already 6’o clock and you are not awake yet?

Take off the sheet over your head,

You are just wasting time by lying on the bed.

Don’t you know, it’s the exam time?

Relaxing now will give you a lime!

This is a span of time,

Where you can really shine.

No matter how intelligent you are,

How genius you are,

Hard work is the fact, which decides,

Your fruit will be sweet or sour!

It is the exam time,

No time to rest, nor to waste.


– $@$ Anand Shugor $@$